Access Bars

What are "the bars"?

Access Bars are points on the head where all of your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations, from all of your lives are stored. Each of 32 bars corresponds to a certain area of life related to a specific concept that you have formed in connection to them (emotions, health, sexuality, aging, money, communication…). By gently touching these points, that is, by activating them, the programs stored in each of these points are literally deleted.

Working on bars erases toxic beliefs and points of view, as well as conscious or subconscious decisions that you have made, which you have carried along, throughout lives…By erasing them, you also erase the limitations and blockages that you encounter when you try to achieve something . When the very causes of the problem are resolved, the patterns stop repeating themselves, life stops being a struggle, and things begin to happen with more flow and ease.

Only then does your life truly begin to depend on yourself.

What can bars help you with?

  • Achieving feelings of joy, peace, gratitude and happiness,
  • Releasing control,
  • Achieving greater motivation and greater flow in various aspects of life,
  • Improving physical health,
  • Releasing stress, and generally achieving greater ability to relax and sleep better,
  • Achieving mental balance, greater clarity, greater intuitive awareness,
  • And many other aspects.

Access Bars is a complimentary technique to many other techniques of personal development.

How does the Access Bars treatment look like?

Although you have to be physically present for this treatment, it is not necessary to go through old traumas in order to resolve the cause of the problem. It is sufficient to activate bars, which is achieved by a gentle touch while lying on the massage table. By activating the bars, depending on your releasing capacity, the programs stored in your energy system, sometimes thousands of years old are simply erased, freeing you from conditioning that was created in previous experiences. As a result of erased patterns, beliefs and attitudes, you open yourself up to receiving on all levels, and creating a new, desired reality.

Although each Access Bars treatment is different, the process is extremely pleasant and relaxing, and introduces you to a deep, regenerating meditation of 45 – 90 minutes.

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